Ensign Prashani Chet
Name Prashani Chet
Position Botanist
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Gender | female | |
Species | Cardassian | |
Full Name | Prashani Chet | |
Date of Birth (Age) | 23 December 2373 | |
Place of Birth | Aboard a shuttlecraft in orbit of Earth |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'3" | |
Weight | 65 kg | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Prashani may be short, but it can be plainly seen that she is hardly petite in other areas of her body. You'll find that her arms and legs are surprisingly toned; this is because she gets plenty of exercise off duty. |
Father | Dreval Chet | |
Mother | Gilara Chet | |
Brother(s) | N/A | |
Sister(s) | N/A | |
Other Family | Several cousins residing on Cardassia Prime. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Prashani is very much more human in behavior than Cardassian as a result of her upbringing among human children. Friendly and quite flirtatious even, she is usually well liked by most that she meets. She does still keenly feel the need to paint her species in a good light in some way, though, which at times makes her wonder if she's 'Cardassian enough'. Her parents certainly think she isn't. | |
Ambitions | * Grow a single sample of the notoriously hard-to-cultivate Dovorean rafflesia. | |
Hobbies & Interests | * Tending the community gardens * Socializing * Casual intimate (and often carnal) relationships; she doesn't see herself settling down with just one person as of yet. |
Languages | Federation Standard, Kardasi (ironically fluency lacking) |