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Tue Nov 12, 2024 @ 10:39am
Commodore Kate Banninga
Name Kate Banninga
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Commodore
Character Information
Gender | female | |
Species | Human | |
Full Name | Katherine Anje Banninga | |
Date of Birth (Age) | 29-10-2363 (31) | |
Place of Birth | USS Firebrand | |
Awards | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Physical Appearance
Height | 1.80m | |
Weight | 65kg | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Kate is slim and toned, with long brown hair, what she has up during duty. She misses her lower left arm, after being taken by the Borg. It's been replaced by a prostetic that looks and works as a real arm and hand. |
Father | David Benjamin - DECEASED | |
Mother | Elisabeth Banninga - DECEASED | |
Brother(s) | David Banninga (CEO at the Banninga Company, Earth) | |
Other Family | Reuwke Banninga - Maternal grandfather - DECEASED Harmina Banninga - Maternal grandmother - DECEASED Lotte Banninga - Niece (David's daughter) Pluto, the dog |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Due to the fact that her parents died when she was only 4 years old she has serious trust issues, and a very close bond with her twin brother. Kate can be cold and hard to the crew, but is a good leader. She would do almost anything for her crew. She can't understand the fields of Science and Engineering, even after many attempts. Her tactical and diplomatic skills are very good, just as her ability to handle hand weapons. Growing up she was quite the tom-boy, climbing trees, playing with her grandparents' animals and exploring the farm on which they lived. She'd always come home covered in mud. Kate has always been a fighter. Not a that she looked for fights, but if one came her way, she wouldn't back down either. Especially if she was protecting someone physically weaker from a bully. She didn't always win, but bullies were unlikely to tangle with her more than once. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Fair + Caring + Selfless + Determined - Has difficulty trusting people - Questions her own ability to perform her job to good standard - Is a perfectionist |
Ambitions | Kate already surpassed her own ambitions, as all she wanted to reach was the position of Chief Security Officer. Even after switching to the Command Division she still favors the Security field. As for her personal life, all she wants is to be loved and wanted. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Kate loves the beach and reading, and prefers to combine the two. Has a deep interest for history, mostly the 1st and 21th century. She is seriously addicted to coffee. |
Languages | Federation Standard, Dutch, Italian |
Personal History | Kate and her twin brother David were born on the the USS Firebrand where their parents were stationed. In 2367, when the Borg attacked the Federation at Wolf 359, Kate and David survived the attack, but their parents did not. On returning to Earth they were reunited with their grandparents, Reuwke and Harmina Banninga and raised by them in Groningen, in the north west of Europe. After high school she went to Sorbonne University in Paris to study Interplanetary Business and Economics. Her years in Paris, she sees as the happiest of her life. Living in the city gave her a freedom she had been searching for all those year. After graduation she accepted a position as Chief Financial Officer. Kate wasn't real happy about such a high position, but the board wanted her in that position, as a way to show the investors the company’s future would be secure. In practice she worked on the company's charitable endeavors, as that’s where her heart lies. After a year she decided she was going to join Starfleet. In the beginning to find why her mother gave up everything to work in space, but later she really loved it. It gave her a new purpose in life. She got a position in the Security department of the USS Atlas, a Vesta class starship. Starting out as a cadet, she eventually made it to division head of the Rapid Response Team. One of the people in her division was her brother’s best friend, Peter Branning. They soon became very close friends. After serving on the Atlas for almost two years, Kate was offered a position as Chief Security/Tactical on the USS Sentinel, which she accepted. Eventually she moved up to the position of Executive Officer. After a draw down of the Gamma Quadrant Task Force she was offered a position as Commanding Officer of the USS Endeavour, a Nebula class. On the Endeavour the ship got caught in a subspace vacuole sending them to subspace. They discovered another Starfleet vessel had crash landed on a planet in the system, killing all occupants. They salvage any important data of the USS Merin before destroying anything left. The planet they crashed on wasn't warp capable jet. No matter how careful they were, they did make first contact with the local inhabitant. They managed to leave to normal space by a way that looked like a miracle. A year later Kate was kidnapped by the Borg during a rescue mission and made their Queen, Locosta. A rescue mission was set up with a number of ships, under the guidance of the USS Portland to save the quadrant from a new Borg invasion. Doing so, they also rescued Kate. After most of her injuries were healed in the Endeavour's sickbay, Kate decided to go back to Earth to recover fully. As a way of healing she helped her brother with the family company and worked for them when she was needed. At the end of 94 Admiral Washington approached Kate with an offer she couldn't refuse and she didn't. She accepted the command of Langley Station. A Regula class space station near Cardassian space. February 95 Kate was called to sickbay because a baby that had been abandoned on the station shared a DNA link with her. After more testing the little girl turned out to be her niece, her twin brother's daughter. In the months it took David to arrive Lotte stayed with Kate. |
Medical Records | **USS Firebrand - 16-06-2366** She had been diagnosed with the chicken pox. A mild sedative was administered along with an antipruritic topical cream. Her twin brother was also diagnosed with the disease **Starfleet Headquarter - 05-01-2367** Kate wasn't injured during the attack by the Borg, or in the aftermath. I do however recommend her visiting a counselor, to process the trauma. She has seen too much for a girl her age, and lost both her parents in the same event. **USS Atlas - 02-06-2387** I presume that the cadet's medical records are incomplete. The last entry is from more then 20 years ago. There is some evidence of an old break upper right arm, which was expertly set and healed resulting in no loss of movement. According to the cadet it was caused by falling out of a tree at the age of 13. Cadet is in perfect health. **USS Atlas - 03-03-2388** Ensign Banninga has multiple contusions, a busted lip and several cracked ribs that were sustained during an away mission in a fire fight with a Klingon. **USS Sentinel - Counselor - 28-02-2389** Lieutenant Banninga has been assigned to me because of the loss of a crewman under her care a few months back and displays an inability to deal with the situation. Also refuses to talk about her parents and the effect it has had on her life. Have made multiple appointments with her for intensive counseling. **USS Sentinel - Counselor - 21-03-2391** Kate has made good progress, although not all topics have been addressed. I don't think I've even met a patient that is so closed as she is. She seems to be happier, although I am not able to determine the cause of this. Counseling will continue. **USS Endeavour - 29-10-2391** Her injuries are extensive, as expected. We've been able to remove most of the implants, except for two. Her lower left arm was severed by the Borg. Most of the physical damage has been healed with a dermal regenerator. The emotional damage is still present and a counselor has been appointed. For further physical healing we've referred the Captain to Starfleet Medical on Earth. |
Service Record | 09-2382-05-2386: Studied Interplanetary Business and Economics at Sorbonne University, Paris, Earth. 05-2386-06-2387: Worked for The Banninga Company as the CFO. 06-2387-12-2387: Joined Starfleet, went to OCS. 06-2387-02-2389: USS Atlas, Security Officer. 02-2388: Promoted to Ensign. 04-2388: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. 02-2389-04-2391: USS Sentinel, Chief Security/Tactical. 02-2389: Promoted to Lieutenant. 01-2390: Promoted to Executive Officer with the rank of Lieutenant-Commander. 04-2391-10-2391: USS Endeavour, Commanding Officer. 04-2391: Graduated Command Academy and promoted to the rank of Commander. 05-2391: Promoted to Captain. 10-2392: Kidnapped by the Borg and made their Queen under the name Locosta. 11-2392-10-2394: Recovering from her injury's at Earth. 10-2394-present: Commanding Officer of Langley Station. |